Contenu de l'article

Titre La spéculation, facteur d'ordre ou de désordre ?
Auteur Jacques Lautman
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro Numéro spécial 1969 Les faits économiques
Page 608-630
Résumé anglais Jacques Lautman : Speculation, factor of economic order or disorder ? What forms does speculation take ? What are the relationships between these forms ? Are entrepreneurs speculators and ? on the contrary ? can one say that speculators can be considered as entrepreneurs ? Has the improvement of economic information considerably modified the issue ? What is the particular place of real estate speculation which seems a riskless operation as long as the demand is both forseeable and wide ? What is the result, in this connection of the speculator's individual calculation ? Such are the questions asked in an article which, starting from general statistical data and hard to find published material, attempts to clarify the use of certain notions : speculation, uncertainty, industrial power conflict, urban planification. The first part deals with speculation on the stock market, the second part with real estate speculation .The conclusions are convergent and resume on a large scale those of Halbwachs which affirm how, contrary to a spontaneous sociology ? widely accepted even in administrative reports ? speculation is an essential element of economic action in our society.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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