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Titre Le droit à la carrière des officiers de la marine
Auteur M. Jean SAGLIO, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Centre de recherches Innovation socio-technique et organisations industrielles (CRISTO), Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 116, mars 2006 Gérer les carrières ?
Rubrique / Thématique
Gérer les carrières ?
 Parcours de carrière des cadres et pratiques de gestion
Page 639
Résumé anglais Marine officers' Right to a Career. The “right to a career” — in other words, a guarantee of job stability and advancement — is presented here as one of the advantages of belonging to the French civil service. It is situated in the wider framework of a system of employer-employee relations and commitments of a diverse nature that the author suggests calling “job exchanges”. In that particular sense, the marine officer's career constitutes an archetype : above and beyond a contract, the relationship is one of a commitment measured in time and remunerated economically and symbolically. It reconciles two notions in an exemplary manner : the first is statutory, in the sense that it is attached to the rank of officer and implies having successfully passed through the preceding ranks, independently of the posts or jobs occupied; the second is linked to the possibility given to marine officers of pursuing a career by means of job progression, thanks to a recognition of competencies acquired in various posts or during special training, to a greater or lesser degree following set itineraries.
Source : Éditeur (via
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