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Titre Le dollar et les problèmes monétaires de l'Amérique latine
Auteur Léon Buquet
Mir@bel Revue Revue économique
Numéro 1954, no 2 Le Dollar
Page 217-230
Résumé anglais The end of British investment and the growth of trade with the United States have weakened the position of the pound and considerably streng thened that of the dollar The latter influence is felt particularly in the mining countries which have profited by North American capital and some what less in the tropical countries Which export mainly to the United States Latin American countries the monetary reserves essential to endow external payments with the full required elasticity This scarcity which had decreased at the end of World War II has become acute again in the last few years Internal inflation increasing equipment needs the insuf ficiency of foreign investment all contribute to unbalance the accounts and weaken the currencies Closer international cooperation would permit to improve this situation Besides the recovery of internal finance policy seeking to strengthen the position of Latin American currencies ought to include the quest of greater Latin American monetary solidarity and steps for developing both foreign investments and trade With Europe
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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