Contenu de l'article

Titre Les rencontres économiques
Auteur Henri Guitton
Mir@bel Revue Revue économique
Numéro 1955, no 6 Quelques problèmes de la politique économique et sociale
Page 857-880
Résumé anglais SUMMARY The theory games furnished au occasion 1o reconsider tlie eco nomic problem When an explanation tile economic phenomena to be built it is essential to give rational diagram of the human conjunc tures which ire implied When an attempt is made to provi rie represen tation of ail these possible conjunctures two big categories are to be distinguished Peaceful conjunctures when no struggle is going on within an atmosphere which was called Irewal conjunctures niter struggle within an atmosphere of strategy or belligerency Lntil now it vvns thought that the economic coiijunctur belonged only to tiie firsi type This was the theory of markets The idea promoted by he i-uit.hor in these pages is that the conjunctures of the second type are also economic conjunctures and not only military or politicai conjunctures general theory of economic conjunctures would raean the building up theory of influence or of the effect of the subject on the others on its snrroundings In conjunctures without struggle or uncertainty the subject accepts the reactions of its surroundings without any attempt to influence them The traditional homo icoa.oiuicus is ented like that he is actually uncomplaining The ftrst part or the article is summing lip of the features of this homo econ micas compared witli the making of prices and of the conjuncture It underlines the insuffuciency of these features and evokes the testimony of Keyues Chamberlin and kerman In conjunctures Iwith struggle and uncertainty new type of homo oncouomicus revéales himself and new aspects of tite market come to light The homo conotiiicus becomes then real and acting subject The theory is only Ifumched feiw manifestations are stressed the elabo ration of strategy by liachevsky the parameters etion and the con- junctural flexibilities by Prisen the cybernetic regulations and the opera tional research The conclusion is made around ideas of conjecture and conjuncture It leads to the follofwiug question is it possible to pass without any discontinuity from theory of small to theory of great numbers
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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