Contenu de l'article

Titre La théorie marxiste du parti
Auteur Michael Löwy
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 46, octobre 2009 Partis / mouvements
Page 27-51
Résumé anglais The Marxist Theory of the Party This paper examines the conceptions of the revolutionary party among some of the most important. Marxist thinkers of the XXth century, through three interrelated essential issues : 1) the levels of class consciousness ; 2) the relationship of the party to the masses, in particular during a revolution ; 3) theinternal structure of the party. In our view, the chosen authors – Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Gramsci, Lukacs, Trotsky – belong to the same « current » in Marxism, a current which tries to develop, considering the conditions of the XXth century, Marx's theses on the communist revolution and the proletarian self-emancipation ; a current which is contradictory and diverse, inside of which Leninand Luxemburg represent two partially opposed and partially complementary poles.
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