Contenu de l'article

Titre Philosophie de l'histoire et théorie du parti chez Sartre et Merleau­-Ponty
Auteur Jean-Philippe Deranty, Stéphane Haber
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 46, octobre 2009 Partis / mouvements
Page 52-66
Résumé anglais Philosophy of History and Theory of the Party in
Sartre and Merleau-Ponty The article revisits the famous dispute between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty in the 1950s, which unfolded through texts such as Humanism and Terror, The Communists and Peace, and The Adventures of Dialectic. The central question that divided the two philosophers concerned the position that non-communist intellectuals associated with the working class should take towards communist politics and the Party. The response to this question engaged nothing less than the full articulation of their respective social ontologies and their corresponding conceptions of radical politics and historical emancipation. In particular, the polemic forced them to focus their attention on the relationships between class experience and class politics, social movement and political organisation. Many of these old arguments remain highly suggestive for contemporary concerns, not least Merleau-Ponty'suncanny, critical pre-empting of the shift to liberalism.
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