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Titre Pour un retour à la critique de l'économie politique
Auteur Slavoj ?i?ek
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 48, octobre 2010 Communisme ?
Page 60-82
Résumé anglais The Return of the Political Economy. If value, as the abstraction of use value, as real abstraction, is at the very beginning of conceptual thought, it implies an idealistic representation of society. Hegel's logic is not however that of Marx's Capital. It is rather a mystifying expression of the real inversion, between man and thing, of a subjectivity that is immerged in a substantial totality and which is to be understood in materialistic terms : Spirit is a substance that subsists only through the activity of the subjects engaged in it. Such is the process of capital. Communism emerges only through its failures to actualize itself fully. This is the starting point for a consideration of material labor and rent.
Source : Éditeur (via
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