Contenu de l'article

Titre Du travail à l'écologie, nouvelle voie du socialisme
Auteur Jean-Marie Harribey
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 48, octobre 2010 Communisme ?
Page 166-177
Résumé anglais From Work to Ecology : A New Way for Socialism. The articulation between social and ecological questions connects, on the one hand, with the question of the ends of human work, insofar as it is an activity aimed at the production of goods and services which can satisfy needs and, on the other hand, with a conception of wealth going beyond the exclusive framework of commodity value that capitalism imposes. The article presents the current state of thought on a number of theoretical questions which are being debated within this perspective. It invites us to renew our connection with the critique of political economy whose starting-point is the analysis of commodity.
Source : Éditeur (via
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