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Titre Les « ensembles fonctionnels » : des entités écologiques qui traduisent l'évolution de l'hydrosystème en intégrant la géomorphologie et l'anthropisation (exemple du Haut-Rhône français)
Auteur Guy Pautou, Monique Richardot-Coulet, Claude Amoros
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 57, no 1, 1982
Page 49-62
Résumé anglais The upper Rhone hydrosystem has been partitioned into sub-systems, on the basis of ecological criteria. Every sub-systems, named « functional set », represents a stage of a chronosequence from the river ecosystem, towards the semi-aquatic ecosystems, and ending with the terrestrial system. Each chronosequence depends on geomorphological conditions. Man's activities may change the direction of these evolutionary processes and/or their rate of speed. The cartography of the functional sets will represent both their ecological characteristics, the geomorphohgical conditions giving rise to them and initiating their evolution, and the impact of the man's activities. Such documents may provide assistance to the ecological management of the water supply of the alluvial plain.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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