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Titre Gestion de l'eau et production du paysage dans le bassin de Nara (Japon)
Auteur Philippe Pelletier
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 58, no 3, 1983
Page 235-257
Résumé anglais The traditional landscape of Nara Basin, archetypical of the Japanese conception of space, is shaped by a development of hydraulics. The relative « water-deficiency » due to middling hydrological conditions but made worse by population growth, had from old times created a paddy-field irrigation system which was particulary complex and complicated, even for Japan. After the war, the development of the Yoshino-river, which is near the Nara Basin, was to ruin this collective organization by permitting an abundant, free and individual irrigation ; by this rural destructuration it takes part in the High-Growth in the Nara Basin. The water of the Yoshino river will not be retrieved by the industrialization but partially recevered by the ever-growing urbanization, while the agriculture paradoxically requires more in its struggle for higher productivity . Hydraulics shaping the new spatial logics or maintening the old ones remains one of the fundamental elements of landscape production in the Nara Basin.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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