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Titre Les « terres à pisé » du Forez : étude d'une formation corrélative
Auteur Alain Le Griel
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 50, no 3, 1975
Page 211-252
Résumé anglais Called « puddled soils », the sandy clay which covers the right bank of the Loire in the Forez basin, have been spotted very early on in their development. At the end of the nineteenth century, a geologist named Le Verrier based a whole episode of the plain's morphonogical history on their being there. From then onwards, no investigator has taken it upon himself to define exactly what they one. After a detailed analysis of all the components, the « puddled soils » are not, it appears, deposits, it is fundamentally a question of a pedological horizon developped on two kinds of sediment : old alluviums and colluviums. They have formed gradually throughout the quaternary and cover up a stair-like system of terrasses along most of the right bank.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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