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Titre Artialising the Vosges: Processes, Projections, Purposes
Auteur Jean-Pierre Husson
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol. 105, no 2, 2017 La mise en art des espaces montagnards : acteurs, processus et transformations territoriales
Résumé anglais Artialisation results from a worldview of landscape perceived through real, emotive and poetic identities. Artialisation carries an operativity that we should be remobilizing to frame a place brand strategy with local government backing. Here we attempt an operationalization applied to the Vosges mountains, a massif struggling with net-negative brand image. The paper articulates a three-point argument. After underlining the need to rethink artialisation outside the aesthetising box, we move on to show that legacies of the past can be repurposed to refresh the massif's image through playful narratives, and that nature has to be ideated to bring greater brand legitimacy to this hercynian fold belt.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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