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Titre La construction sociale de médias dangereux pour la jeunesse. Des paniques morales aux quasi-théories
Auteur Anne-Laure Wibrin
Mir@bel Revue Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques
Numéro vol. 43, no 1, 2012 Paniques et croisades morales
Page 79-96
Résumé anglais Much of the research done on the incrimination of medias as danger sources have used the conceptual framework of moral panic. In this article, we will show that the concept was misused to indicate what amounted to moral crusading and that the confusion between “panic” and “crusade” contributes to misunderstanding the problem. Based on two empirical examples (the French campaign against graphic novels from the 1930's to the 1950's and the British campaign against comic books shortly after world war II) we will see how pressure groups militated for years for laws prohibiting, censuring, controlling or regulating those objects. Subsequently, despite the confusion between “panic” and “crusade”, we will consider these invaluable research works for three reasons : they contribute nuances in studying the effects of medias, they establish the recurrence of accusations against various medias and they focus on the stakes latent in those accusations. Finally, we will insist on the importance of studying the recurrence of discourses for sociology.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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