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Titre Les migrations de retraite en France : matériaux pour une géographie du troisième âge
Auteur Françoise Cribier
Mir@bel Revue Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français
Numéro no 381, 1970 Séance du 9 mai 1970
Rubrique / Thématique
Colloque : Migrations de retraite et leurs incidences
Page 119-122
Résumé anglais Summary. The pattern of the settlement of elderlies, according to size and location of communities, is of a great interest for the geographer. The aged are getting more and more mobile, and this mobility has to be studied, as it is becoming and important factor in the age-structure of communities of different sizes, kinds, regions. We present here the results of two researches ; the first one deals with the aged population of a sample of 15 French resort-towns of the Atlantic and Channel coasts, its social structure, its origin. The second analyses the distribution in France of retired Parisian civil-servants having left the Capital after retirement. In both cases, correlations have been established between the choice of a retirement settlement, region of origin, social and economic characteristics of the migrants.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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