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Titre L'intégration spatiale des favelas dans la ville au Brésil au regard de la fragmentation (Spatial integration of favelas in the Brazilian city in regard to fragmentation)
Auteur Michaël Chétry
Mir@bel Revue Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français
Numéro no 2012/4
Rubrique / Thématique
Articles varia
Page 584-596
Résumé In Brazil, the presence of slums within the metropolis produces strong contrasts in the urban landscape and contributes to the reading of the city as a fragmented space. We propose in this paper to examine the case of favelas in Rio de Janeiro and Recife from the different aspects of fragmentation. This study brings out the fact that if a first reading of the situation of the favelas into the city can make us believe in a fragmentation of urban space, a more detailed exploration of these spaces makes such an assessment less obvious.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais In Brazil, the presence of slums within the metropolis produces strong contrasts in the urban landscape and contributes to the reading of the city as a fragmented space. We propose in this paper to examine the case of favelas in Rio de Janeiro and Recife from the different aspects of fragmentation. This study brings out the fact that if a first reading of the situation of the favelas into the city can make us believe in a fragmentation of urban space, a more detailed exploration of these spaces makes such an assessment less obvious.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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