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Titre L'administration de la justice européenne
Auteur Jean-Pierre Puissochet
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 95, 2000/3 L'administration de l'Union européenne
Rubrique / Thématique
L'administration de l'Union européenne
Page 11 pages
Résumé anglais The Administration of European Justice. The Community's court System is entirely original. Each national judge is a judge of Community law, and the European Court of Justice, beyond its function in checking the application of Community law by Member States and the legality of Community acts, assures the uniform application of EC law via the preliminary ruling procedure. This mechanism has been tried and tested. However, the development of the courts' activities, together with the ECJ and Court of First Instance's enlarged sphere of competence, which bring about an excessive delay in the time taken for judgements to be given, suggest the need for a reform which comprises innovative solutions but does not call into question the present court structure. The Nice summit has brought with it some interesting solutions, but these are insufficient in the long-term.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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