Contenu de l'article

Titre L'hôpital
Auteur Christian Maillard
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 43, 1987/3 La santé est-elle sous-administrée ?
Rubrique / Thématique
La santé est-elle sous-administrée ?
 L'administration au quotidien
Page 14 pages
Résumé anglais Hospitals. However great the efforts of the past 40 years to improve the management and control of the hospital System, dissatisfaction is obvious among users, health care personnel, the administration, social security and private enterprise. Hospitals served as locally-administered lodgings until the 19th Century. They have gradually evolved into complex centres of differentiated production that compete with other partners of the health care System and are increasingly dependent on socio-economic developments. Thus the hospital has become a matter for national government without really losing its local connections and has become a meeting ground for many partners. The time is ripe for long-term decisions that are needed for a coherent, viable System, i.e. socially — concerted effort for a new definition of national health, the role and functions of hospitals ; a streamlining of State intervention with its many contradictions ; making citizens play an active role in hospital System, optimizing complementarity between different role players ; giving hospitals appropriate tools to evaluate costs and production ; and the adoption of fixed-term contracts with means and objectives between hospitals, Social Security, the State and other public bodies so as to give hospitals a solid framework and better control over their future, and make them responsible entreprises.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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