Contenu du sommaire : L'habitat, le logement et les jeunes

Revue Agora débats/jeunesse Mir@bel
Numéro no 61, 2012/2
Titre du numéro L'habitat, le logement et les jeunes
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Le sentiment de discrimination des descendants d'immigrés : reflet d'une orientation contrariée et d'un chômage persistant - Yaël Brinbaum, Christine Guégnard p. 7-20 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The feeling of discrimination among descendents of immigrants: the reflection of a frustrated educational path and persistent unemployment In this article, discrimination is analysed by intersecting young people's perceptions with the reality of their entry on the job market and their educational path. A course of education impeded at the end of the 4th year of secondary school has an impact both on their future itineraries and on their obtaining a job. Admittedly, unemployment is linked to the level of education, but the descendents of immigrants from North and sub-Saharan Africa are overexposed to this, which shows up discrimination in hiring, deeply felt by the young people themselves.
  • Les relations entre les professionnels de santé et les jeunes filles au Burkina Faso : Stigmatisation, normes et contrôle social - Bouma Fernand Bationo p. 21-33 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The relationship between health workers and young girls in Burkina Faso
    This article analyses the relationship between professional health workers and young girls in access to family planning structures in Ougadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. It shows that the stigmatization of practices, the weight of norms and the question of confidentiality in relationships between young people and adults lead to a social gap between the recipients and the family planning services. These limitations on access to preventive health services regarding sex and birth control expose young girls to at-risk behaviour such as undesired pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and illegal abortions.
  • Paka, alcool, tabac et autres drogues : niveaux et contextes des usages des jeunes Polynésiens - François Beck, Romain Guignard, Jean-Baptiste Richard, Marie-Françoise Brugiroux p. 35-50 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Paka, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs: levels and contexts of use by young Polynesians
    The main aims of this article are to identify the level and starting age of consumption of psychotropic drugs among young Polynesians, to measure the evolution of these indicators since the 1990s and compare them with the situation in metropolitan France. The present situation in French Polynesia, though privileged in comparison with many other Pacific islands, shows considerable social inequalities and uncertainty about identity which no doubt also play an important part in the addictive behaviour of young Polynesians.
  • Dossier : L'habitat, le logement et les jeunes

    • Introduction : Les jeunes et l'habitat : enjeux et perspectives de recherche - François Ménard, Bertrand Vallet p. 51-60 accès libre
    • Habiter chez autrui : pourquoi et comment ? : Trajectoires et expériences de jeunes hébergés en région parisienne - Hélène Béguin, Claire Lévy-Vroelant p. 61-78 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Living in other people's homes: how and why?
      This article offers an analysis of the forms and meanings involved in the fact of living with others or in their homes, for young people lodging in the Paris area and their hosts. Thirty-five interviews between 2010-2011 show highly contrasting patterns at this point of transition in life. Yet beyond the differences and the more or less significant weight of these constraints, lodging appears as an experience of adjustment, a resource all the more appropriate and accepted as it is experienced as being temporary, and as both parties agree on how to live under the same roof.
    • Modes de (déco)habiter des jeunes descendants d'immigrés - Laure Moguérou, Emmanuelle Santelli p. 79-92 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Living at home or leaving home among young descendents of immigrants
      This article based on the analysis of data from the “Trajectoires et Origines” survey (IND – INSEE 2008) deals with the living conditions and residences of young people aged 18-35, grouped according to their parents' geographical origins (non-immigrants, immigrants from Europe, North Africa and other non-European countries). It examines in turn the factors contributing to living longer with parents (over 25), young people's plans for leaving the parental home – and the steps they take with this purpose – as well as the variants related to their individual and family characteristics.
    • Quitter le « quartier » et habiter la « ville » : Parcours résidentiels de jeunes femmes d'origine étrangère - Elsa Lagier p. 93-104 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Leaving the neighbourhood and living downtown
      The housing plans and movements of young women of foreign origin who have grown up in council housing districts in France are marked by particular characteristics. From leaving the family neighbourhood to the different ways of arriving “in town”, their feeling of belonging geographically is reconstructed in relation to the social relationships they maintain in the different living spaces frequented. In a wider sense, the particular characteristics revealed are an opportunity to question the complexity of young adults' ways of leaving home.
    • Les mondes vécus de l'étudiant-habitant : Typologies des manières d'être et d'habiter - Christophe Pecqueur, Christophe Moreau p. 105-118 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The different worlds of the student-inhabitant
      The analysis of students' housing practices, movements and expectations has enabled the construction of a dual typology in student/inhabitant forms of dwelling, seen from the point of view of social relationships and construction of the self, and from that of emotions and control of desires. These typical ideals are tools for reflection enabling us to grasp some of the logics that structure students' relation to lodging and housing. They also suggest that student housing professionals should think out their offers in view of this diversity of usages and behaviour.
    • De la construction d'un « chez-soi collectif » à la composition d'un « chez-nous » : Enquête auprès de jeunes actifs suisses - Patrick Ischer p. 119-131 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      From joint accommodation to the creation of a shared home
      The path followed by individuals in housing is dotted with experiences that may lead them to share domestic spaces and thus cope with the creation of a shared home. This article, the result of qualitative research with thirty people, seeks to grasp the implications and power games inherent in this process, within the framework of two particular types of shared living space: co-tenancy and setting up home together. While the former displays relatively little personal involvement, the latter is more emotionally charged and induces the partners to organize a set of strategies aimed at physically incorporating their individuality in the home.
  • Lectures