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Titre Le fascisme italien et la vision du futur
Auteur Pierre Milza
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 1, janvier 1984
Rubrique / Thématique
Histoires de l'avenir, 1984 au rendez-vous d'Orwell
Page 47-56
Résumé anglais Italian fascism and the vision of the future, Pierre Milza Mussolini's vision of the future was primarily a banal imperialist plan : fascist Italy would break out of the bars of the " Mediterranean prison " and would surge forward, great among the greats of the 21st century, on to the ocean and towards India. Already in 1937, in a draft by Il Duce, Europa 2000, there were totalitarian omens : the appeal for more births and the plan of " cultural revolution " were meant to fashion a "new man ". But how could the very conservative official ideal of an Imperial Roman soldier-laborer be reconciled with the indispensable futurism of such geopolitics ? Only war, Mussolini thought, could resolve this contradiction.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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