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Titre Villes coloniales et histoire des Africains
Auteur Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 20, octobre-décembre 1988
Page 49-73
Résumé anglais Colonial cities and history of the Africans, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. Africa has long been considered a vast rural continent in which urbanization developed at the impulse of colonizers. In fact, although marginal, African cities are ancient and have had a life of their own alongside western establishments. Since the early 1960s, urbanism has become the major phenomenon in black Africa. In 1990, the urban population will be larger than the rural population. The colonial city, from this point of view, initiated this process. But African town planners, trained in Western techniques and molds, will nevertheless have to integrate their customary heritage and the necessities of modern planning.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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