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Titre La réforme de l'administration fédérale en Russie - Simple réaménagement ou transformation en profondeur ?
Auteur Mme Anne Gazier, Maître de conférences à l'Université Paris X Nanterre
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 115, décembre 2005 Politiques publiques et innovation sociale
Rubrique / Thématique
Politiques publiques et innovation sociale
Page 421
Résumé anglais Reform of the Federal Administration in Russia : Simply a Rearrangement or a Radical Transformation ? In 2002, Russia launched an extensive federal administration reform policy. It was the first to make a deliberate break with the administrative system in place since the soviet era and was organised around sectorial ministries on one hand and intersectorial state committees on the other. State authorities first undertook a vast inventory of the functions entrusted to the federal organs of the executive power. Functions considered superfluous or redundant were suppressed, and those classified as indispensable — the only ones to be maintained — were divided into three categories : regulatory activity, management, and control. Each category was given to a category of organ. The first category went to the federal ministries, the second to the federal agencies, and the third to the federal services. The implementation of this new scheme ran into a number of limitations, the three main ones being : the fact that it was too rushed and gave rise to numerous disfunctions, that it offered no solution to old problems (in particular the maintenance of two off-category administrations : those of the president and of the government apparatus), and that it lacked a clear distribution of competencies between the three organ categories.
Source : Éditeur (via
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