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Titre Choix de société ou élection de quartier ? Les élections législatives de 1973 à Lille
Auteur Marc Wolf
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Science Politique
Numéro 25e année, n°2, 1975
Page 259-290
Résumé ?CHOIX DE SOCIÉTÉ OU ÉLECTION DE QUARTIER ? LES ÉLECTIONS LÉGISLATIVES DE 1973 A LILLE MARC WOLF Quel est le poids respectif des mouvements nationaux et des particularités locales dans les élections législatives de 1973 à Lille, qui ont vu une vigoureuse poussée du PS (+ 5%), alors qu'il stagnait dans le reste de la région? L'analyse détaillée des résultats de 96 bureaux de vote, et le dépouillement des listes d'émargement (CSP, âge, abstention) permet de constater que l'implantation électorale du PC dans la classe ouvrière et les couches populaires est, à Lille, globalement inférieure à celle du PS ; mais l'influence populaire de ce dernier est très inégale selon les quartiers, et tient essentiellement à la politique municipale du logement et à l'action des élus. Le progrès du PS en 1973 s'est opéré essentiellement dans l'électorat populaire de la majorité, et sans qu'il y ait transfert par le centre. L'analyse des présidentielles de 1974 confirme enfin que la gauche lilloise est mieux implantée encore dans les milieux populaires qu'au plan national, mais sous-représentée dans les catégories plus favorisées. Ainsi, quand s'effacent les ambiguïtés du scrutin d'arrondissement, les clivages sociaux apparaissent à Lille nettement plus accusés que dans le reste du pays dans les comportements électoraux. [Revue française de science politique XXV (2), avril 1975, pp. 259-290.] CHOICE OF SOCIETY OR DISTRICT ELECTION THE 1973 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS IN LILLE MARC WOLF What is the respective importance of national movements and local factors in the 1973 parliamentary elections in Lille which saw marked improvement in the position the Socialist Party +5 per cent) whereas it was stagnating in the rest of the region detailed analysis of the results of 96 polling sta tions and an examination of the electoral rolls socio-occupational category age abstention indicate that the Communist Party is on the whole less well established in the working classes and lower social strata in Lille than is the Socialist Party however the influence ol the latter varies considerably from one district to another and depends very much on municipal housing policies and the activities of those elected Most of the progress made by the Socialist Party in 1973 was due to votes won from the lower class supporters of the majority without there being any shift from the centre Finally an analysis of the 1974 Presidential elections confirms that the Left in Lille is more solidly established among the lower classes than at national level but is under-repre sented among the wealthier classes Thus once the ambiguities of the consti tuency poll have been elucidated social disparities can be seen to be even more marked in Lille than in the rest of the country as regards electoral behaviour .Revue fran aise de science politique XXV 2) avril 1975 pp 259-290.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais CHOICE OF SOCIETY OR DISTRICT ELECTION? THE 1973 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS IN LILLE, by MARC WOLF What is the respective importance of national movements and local factors in the 1973 parliamentary elections in Lille which saw a marked improvement in the position of the Socialist Party (+5 per cent), whereas it was stagnating in the rest of the region ? A detailed analysis of the results of 96 polling stations and an examination of the electoral rolls (socio-occupational category, age, abstention) indicate that the Communist Party is on the whole less well established in the working classes and lower social strata in Lille than is the Socialist Party ; however, the influence of the latter varies considerably from one district to another, and depends very much on municipal housing policies and the activities of those elected. Most of the progress made by the Socialist Party in 1973 was due to votes won from the lower class supporters of the majority, without there being any shift from the centre. Finally, an analysis of the 1974 Presidential elections confirms that the Left in Lille is more solidly established among the lower classes than at national level, but is under-represented among the wealthier classes. Thus, once the ambiguities of the constituency poll have been elucidated, social disparities can be seen to be even more marked in Lille than in the rest of the country as regards electoral behaviour. [Revue française de science politique XXV (2), avril 1975, pp. 259-290.]
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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