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Titre Considérations sur la nature de l'anomie
Auteur François Chazel
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1967, 8-2
Page 151-168
Résumé anglais François Chazel : Considerations on the nature of anomia. A thorough analysis of anomia implies an examination of global society : it cannot elude considering social order, its basis and its nature. So that Merton having too much insisted on the individual consequences of anomia neglected some of its essential characteristics : anomia is, in the first place, as Durkheim demonstrated with maestria, a weakening, or so to speak, a disintegration of the social organization. It is also accompanied by a determination of the symbolic system the importance of which was stressed by T. Parsons. Even in a situation of relative anomia, which may be that of France presently, Merton's criteria are insufficient in spite of their real interest : the examination of global society and the study of collective symbolism remaining indispensable.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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