Contenu de l'article

Titre L'étude comparative des scrutins législatifs
Auteur Herbert F. Weisberg
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1971, 12-2
Page 151-176
Résumé anglais Herbert F. Weisberg : The comparative study of roll calls. The characteristics of roll call voting which make scaling possible have been reviewed. Institutional factors which can confound comparisons of voting across legislatures have been mentioned. The basic scaling models and their mechanisms have been explained. The two basic purposes of scaling analysis, dimensioning the roll calls and positioning the legislators, have been presented. The relevance of the proximity model in non-American and especially multiparty legislatures has been emphasized. Most dimensional analysis of legislative voting has presumed the existence of the dominance model without examining the possibility of the proximity model. Accepting the results of a dominance analysis may suggest an erroneous interpretation of the process mechanisms, particularly when several dominance dimensions are found where a single proximity dimension would suffice. The dominance model will still be correct in some instances, but it is essential that the comparative study of roll call behavior allow for the possibility of the proximity model. Analysis of roll call voting provides a means for the comparative study of legislative behavior. Many questions may be answered through dimensional analysis of legislative votes. While this procedure has several limitations, it has many advantages for the analysis of historical data and of non- accessible systems. Much more exploration of the available data is necessary if we are to determine how much can be learned from roll call materials.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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