Contenu de l'article

Titre Classe sociale objective, classe sociale subjective et comportement électoral
Auteur Guy Michelat, Michel Simon
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1971, 12-4
Page 483-527
Résumé anglais Guy Michelat et Michel Simon: Objective social class, subjective social class and voting behaviour. The authors' aim was to study the variations in voting intention in relation to class position and class consciousness. The initial hypothesis was that an individual is more or less part of a social class depending on the quality and quantity of his class relations (occupation, marital alliance, social origin). Their method consisted in combining various indicators of class position to study the variations of behaviour and connected representations in order to determine whether there is an incongruity among these indicators or whether they indicate a strengthening of class consciousness. Their hypothesis is tested by studying, one after the other, the relations between class position and voting, class position and class consciousness, class consciousness and voting, class consciousness, class position and voting. Thus there seems to be two variables linked together yet acting in an independant and often cumulative way.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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