Contenu de l'article

Titre Du bon usage de la crise
Auteur Annie Kriegel
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1972, 13-4
Page 459-471
Résumé anglais Annie Kriegel : Making good use of the crisis. «La Nouvelle Histoire», (meaning «The New History») ? which came out in France in the early 30's around the periodical Annales ? had tried, in an enriching approach, to put in parentheses the process (event or accident) in order to explore more easily the structure. Today it is time to give up, even as a temporary method, this reduction of the historical to the logical. The event and even more so the advent or the « event in all its majesty » (crisis or revolution) is a set made of: 1) punctual traumatism; 2) the breaking down of the earlier structure; 3) the selective process leading to a lasting reconstitution of a new order. It then follows that the specificity of history lies in the chronological, the short-term, the political and the factual. Thus is reached the « happy core » of leninism, i.e., the understanding of the « good use » of the crisis.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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