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Titre Une étude factorielle de l'idéologie. Problèmes méthodologiques
Auteur Pierre Héraux, Michel Novi
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1974, 15-2
Page 217-235
Résumé anglais P. Heraux et M. Novi: A Factorial Study of Ideology: Methodological Problems. The authors strive to make the concept of ideology operational by (1) denning it in a precise field ? as a scale of values manifested in the speeches of mayors when they explain and justify their decisions in cultural affairs ? and by (2) subjecting it to a kind of standardized analysis. A comparison of the limits inherent in various factorial methods and of the theoretical constraints imposed by the object under study have led the authors to deal with data in the form of a matrice of ordinal numbers. They then undertake a Factorial Analysis into Major Component Parts. This method's partial inadequacy with respect to the object and the correction of the resultant technological bias imply a dialectic between the formal method and the problem area.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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