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Titre Problèmes méthodologiques de l'enquête dans les pays en voie de développement. Le cas de l'Iran
Auteur Mortéza Kotobi, Michel Villette
Mir@bel Revue Revue Française de Sociologie
Numéro 1974, 15-3
Page 393-404
Résumé anglais Kotobi Morteza and Michel Villette : Problems Concerning the Methodology for Surveys in Developing Countries: the Iranian Case. The authors have attempted to extricate some rules for the study of attitudes in a rapidly developing nation. They have successively treated data collection, validation of results and construction of theories. Their findings are based on a series of studies during the last ten years at the Institute of Social Studies and Research, University of Teheran. In particular, they refer to a survey concerning fertility, sexuality and mortality, and to a study of the problems of new university students: the first, drawn from semiguided interviews; and the second, based on open written questionnaires. Adaptation to the context forces the researcher to participate in the conversation. The systematic distinction between different roles adopted by the subject and between the different ways he expresses himself are coded and amply exploited. The detailed study of the subject, of his « frontal » expression which is conventional and his spontaneous expression which reveals individual preoccupations, is a key for understanding attitudes. Crucial information is often obtained by the indirect means of « indexed variables » which makes the most out of local common sense. The upheaval that economic development causes in the subject's life obliges us to rethink the explanatory variables of his behavior.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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