Titre | Reconsidération des méthodes d'expansion économique dans les pays et territoires sous-développés | |
Auteur | Luc Bourcier de Carbon | |
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Revue | Revue économique |
Numéro | 1955, no 3 L'investissement | |
Page | 427-447 | |
Résumé anglais |
SUMMARY Nec ssiiy promoting quickly economic expansion oi underdeveloped trrLuoi ir iilid countries appears among the main tasks of modern world Large amounts devoted today to use schemes of development tend at first to raisin; of local populations standard of life still in state close to misery as President Truman said Point IV) The work on line hii.-i uo common line with the former experiment Consequently it givrs rise to problems up till now unknown and thru- general solution would be bound to theory of structural evolution non yet stated The effort in progress proceeds from empirical decisions of which incomptabilities do not appear but lately However continual approa ches and successive cautious tentatives have permitted to define in better way conditions and difficulties of calculation from which choice and prio rities are subordinated in static order In dynamic order they have brought out the responsabilities regarding to orientation and control of structural evolution Development schemes remain more caniluguos than prospects of total solution harmoniously coordinated Research is developed into technical field But it still remains too much rudimentary for example regarding to reformulation of certain economic laws in the outline of under-develop- raent or the study of sociological obstacles liable to restraining moder nization of economy For lack of sufficiently general method the adapted decisions can lead to unbalance and set new problems The fundamental objective risks to be drawed back or at least to be unsuftlciently approxi mated It is true that measuring tools and control tools are improving But they still remain far from the use we would like to do of them Moreover calculation of efficiency of investments could not be sufficient Quick structural evolution requires special attention It must be borii con- troled and guided if we want to avoid serious disorders and explosive reactions First of all economic modernization must be fitted to social state of considered countries and territories Evolution of social structures can not be entirely subordinated to evolution of methods of production in view of greater productivity balance and method of working must be looked for which will give characteristics peculiar to each country or territory to the new economy according to ealiest data to be considered This adaptation of methods strongly affects investment policy price policy and taxation policy which it is convenient to adopt It controls rhythm of modernization in its most social aspects period of transition which could be divided into progressive phases must be the main object of previous thoughts It will fix the temporary limits of action and it will precise its forms Especially it will emphasize the extent of privileges hoided by small class who in fact enjoys lasting monopolies Sometimes economic expansion must be carried on notwithstanding class which is favoured by underdevelopment However it cannot succeed without it Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/reco_0035-2764_1955_num_6_3_407117 |