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Titre Anonymat en localité. Enquête sur les relations de voisinage en milieu rural
Auteur Banos Vincent, Candau Jacqueline, Baud Anne-Cécile
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers internationaux de sociologie
Numéro vol. 127, juillet-décembre 2009 Diversité et représentations
Page 247-267
Résumé It is often postulated that even in an age of generalized mobility, spatial proximity facilitates the creation of a social bond. The enduring prevalence in rural municipalities of dwellers who have now relationship with their neighbours leads us to relativize – after others – this « spatial » / « social » nexus. In this regard, we acknowledged the importance of the « local », of which we consider two complementary features : the attachment to a living environment and the voluntary membership in a community. The growing interest for the « local » is however challenged by the presence of anonymous individuals, that we interpret less as an expression of a desire to live with one's own socio-economic groupthan as an assumed choice expression of a desire to live with one's own socio-economic.
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