Contenu de l'article

Titre Le syndrome narratif : théorie et terrain
Auteur Farrugia Francis
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers internationaux de sociologie
Numéro vol. 127, juillet-décembre 2009 Diversité et représentations
Page 269-289
Résumé The category of narrative syndrome as constructed here is mobilized as an aspect of the sociology of knowledge, of forms of conscience and of sensibility. It aims to promote an understanding of the subjective genesis of worldviews and of the mode of existence of the social individuals in the world, in relation to the fundamental narratives which found their identity. This analysis, at once genealogical and constructivist, brings into play the theories of Halbwachs and also draws inspiration from phenomenology and psychoanalysis, in order to apprehend the actors'internal perceptions, emotions and cognitions as part and parcel of the situations in which they occur. These syndromes can be observed in real life and in literature alike, they are the context within which the experience of discourse and the discourse of experience are inextricably linked in the perpetual narration of the events of the world.
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