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Titre Pour une approche plus équilibrée de la performance des firmes
Auteur Arrègle Jean-Luc, C. Powell Thomas
Mir@bel Revue Revue française de gestion
Numéro no 196, août-septembre 2009 La création de valeur en stratégie
Page 147-165
Résumé anglais For a more balanced (and actual) view of firms' value creation and success. Theories about firms' value creation and success mainly consider the concept of competitive advantage or explanations related to the « axis of advantage ». They offer useful results but suffer from several problems limiting our understanding of this topic and resulting in a biased idea of firms' sources of performance. We present some of these limits and several options to better take into account the role of organizational errors in firms' performance heterogeneity. Including the role of organizational errors allows to develop a more comprehensive theoretical framework and we detail some of its ideas.
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