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Titre La LOLF : levier de la réforme de l'Etat
Auteur MM. Alain Lambert, sénateur, membre de la Commission des finances, du contrôle budgétaire et des comptes du Sénat, ancien ministre, et Didier Migaud, député, membre de la commission des finances de l'Ass. Nle, ancien rapporteur du budget
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 117, mai 2006 Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
Rubrique / Thématique
Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
 Mise en perspective : la LOLF, levier de la réforme de l'état ?
Page 11
Résumé anglais The LOLF : Lever of State Reform. State reform, in the sense of a more effective and efficient state – maximum performance for a given cost – is one of the LOLF's main objectives. The architecture of the state budget in terms of missions and programmes is the backbone of new public management. Missions are the large units of public policy; they can be inter-ministerial, in which the notion of public policy is above that of a ministry. Programmes are the basic unit of new public management. A programme is ministerial, belongs to a single mission, and is piloted by a high-level civil servant, an individual responsible for the programme and who must account for its management. Each programme has objectives, targets, and results indicators, all of which make possible a performance evaluation of the manager. Other tools resulting from the LOLF are of a kind that should bring about a modernisation of the state – accounting tools (accrual accounting, patrimonial accounting, and the putting in place of analytical accounts), as well as piloting tools (the LOLF goes along with the generalisation of management control). However, state reform can only be achieved on condition that there be a true cultural change, exhaustive information systems, and strong political determination.
Source : Éditeur (via
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