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Titre L'architecture de la LOLF dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la recherche : choix politiques ou choix techniques ?
Auteur M. Jean-Richard Cytermann, inspecteur général de l'administration de l'éducation nationale et de la recherche, professeur associé à l'ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 117, mai 2006 Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
Rubrique / Thématique
Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
 Choix techniques : la LOLF, accélérateur de la modernisation de la gestion publique
Page 85
Résumé anglais The Architecture of the LOLF in Education and Research : Political Choices or Technical Choices ? The LOLF stipulates that credits allocated by the law of finances are grouped together by mission, and that a mission comprises a series of programmes related to a specific policy. Missions can be inter-ministerial. Education and research – the areas examined by the author – lend themselves particularly well to the creation of inter-ministerial missions. Missions for primary and secondary schools and research and higher education have in fact been set up, but remain disappointing in the sense that they seem unable to overcome difficulties caused by the structural differences within the administrative organisation in force. Whereas they could have provided an opportunity to try out more dynamic and innovating approaches, programmes limited to existing administrative divisions are also a source of disillusionment. staff management and argues that this impact must be explained to staff in a positive light : the LOLF is often the cause of certain fears, mainly that of questioning the status of agents. The LOLF neither aims to, nor does it in effect question status. It gives managers wide room for manouvre, which can be much to their advantage if they know how to present the reform and explain that its aim is to remedy existing problems, on condition that they be clearly brought to the fore by those involved.
Source : Éditeur (via
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