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Titre Les indicateurs de la LOLF : une occasion de débat démocratique ?
Auteur M. Jean-René Brunetière, président de l'association Pénombre
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 117, mai 2006 Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
Rubrique / Thématique
Réformes budgétaires et réformes de l'Etat
 Choix techniques : la LOLF, accélérateur de la modernisation de la gestion publique
Page 95
Résumé anglais LOLF Indicators : an Opportunity for Democratic Debate ? Into the core of the French system of state finance and state action, the LOLF has introduced the evaluation of the results of state action by means of indicators. The author takes a sample of these indicators, discusses their relevance, and brings to light their serious shortcomings : often, they fail to pinpoint the principal action of the state in a precise area, and as a result, only measure accessory elements of this action. Still more serious, some indicators are not relevant for the evaluation of a given action and can even lead to results that hardly reflect that action. Others are unusable, and still others are only able to measure internal activities of the administration without taking into account the impact of its activities on users or the public in general. The author concludes by saying that if – as the LOLF stipulates – indicators are to measure not only the results of the state but also be of use to Parliament for future budgetary choices and serve to judge the action of administrative managers, they must be completely revised.
Source : Éditeur (via
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