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Titre Typologie des contes africains du Décepteur
Auteur Denise Paulme
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'études africaines
Numéro Vol. 15, no 60, 1975
Rubrique / Thématique
Etudes et essais
Page 569-600
Résumé anglais D. Paulme — ~~A Typology of African Trickster Tales.~~ In African folk-literature the deceiver or trickster differs markedly from his Amerindian counterpart: while the latter generally is a chief or ancestor whose adventures take place in the mythical past, the former is rather an astute weakling—Hare, Tortoise, Spider, Jackal, Duiker, etc.—whose tricks are set in everyday life and social context. The taie motifs are classified according to the opposition and alternance of amélioration (A+, A—) and détérioration (D + , D—) in the position and/or status of the characters, as viewed from the trickster's perspective.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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