Contenu de l'article

Titre Recherches sur l'évolution du travail salarié en AOF pendant la crise économique, 1930-1936.
Auteur Hélène d'Almeida-Topor
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'études africaines
Numéro Vol. 16, no 61-62, 1976 Histoire africaine : constatations, contestations
Rubrique / Thématique
Partie I
Page 103-117
Résumé anglais H. D'Almeida-Topor—~~On the Evolution of Wage-Earning Labour in French West Africa during the World Recession, 1930-1936~~. But for a small regression in 1932, the proportion of wage-earning labourers grew steadily even during the World Recession, from 0.44 % of the total population in 1929 to 1.12% in 1936. The acrual percentage is actually higher due to the huge turnover among the unskilled workers who made up to 80 % of the gross labour force. The highest numbers were founded in the Ivory Coast—around 50 % of the gross total—due to the importance of European plantations and lumber camps in that colony. Labour welfare regulations concerning wages and rations were only loosely applied during the Recession, which resulted in the emergence of a group of unemployed skilled workers and the slowing down of vocational training. Recruitment problems re-appeared after the 1936 economie recovery, ail the more so because of the deterioration in working conditions endured after the end of the recession.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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