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Titre De la richesse au pouvoir : les origines d'une chefferie du Ndenye (Côte d'Ivoire). Analyse critique de documents oraux
Auteur Claude-Hélène Perrot.
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'études africaines
Numéro Vol. 16, no 61-62, 1976 Histoire africaine : constatations, contestations
Rubrique / Thématique
Partie II
Page 173-187
Résumé anglais C.-H. Perrot—~~From Wealth to Power : The Origins of a Ndenye Chiefdom {Ivory Coast).~~ The comparison of genealogies and historical traditions collected both within Yakasse chiefdom and outside it shows important and highly relevant differences. The ' official ' Yakasse version — enunciated with some reluctance — reveals inconsistencies in the regular line of matrilineal succession to the Stool. These are ex-plained by the 'external' version which unveils a breach in this line when chief Adu Kpãhi used his wealth for gaining access to power instead of inheriting, or fighting for it. The case goes to support Vansina's theories about the frequent use of historical manipulations of oral tradition with political motives.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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