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Titre Contribution à une étude de l'armée asante.
Auteur Emmanuel Terray
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'études africaines
Numéro Vol. 16, no 61-62, 1976 Histoire africaine : constatations, contestations
Rubrique / Thématique
Partie III
Page 297-356
Résumé anglais E. Terray—~~A Contribution to the Study of the Asante Army.~~ Ail the available sources agree on the outstanding military efficiency of the Asante army. Even when hopelessly outclassed by superior weaponry, Asante soldiers and officers still showed a sense of tactics and discipline on a par with their physical courage. It took machine-guns, repeaters and superior logistics to finally overcome them. Asante military superiority vis-a-vis the hinterland tribes is explainable in terms of a near monopoly of firearms, but this does not apply vis-a-vis the coastal people who were better supplied with guns and powder. The ultimate explanation seems to reside in Asante ideology which put a premium on values such as courage and discipline to the detriment, among other things, of economie entrepreneurship : the Asante economy was mainly geared to the maintenance and expansion of military power—and hence of Asante supremacy. This lead eventually to the use of a kind of intellectual conservatism which proved nearly the long run.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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