Contenu de l'article

Titre Les limites de l'émancipation : expériences ouvrières à la frontière Mexique-États-Unis
Auteur Luis Lopez Aspeitia
Mir@bel Revue Autrepart
Numéro no 61, 2012 Dossier : Les nouvelles figures de l'émancipation féminine
Page 41-57
Résumé anglais During the past forty years, the U.
S.-Mexico border has witnessed a deep economic and social transformation. The setting up of multinational enterprises looking for low cost workers attracted thousands of workers, mainly young women, changing the relations between men and women dues to increased participation of women in economic activities. This article explores the social dimension of labour in global assembly factories, questioning the meaning of empowerment and looking at the role of the body and maternity in the management of enterprises.
Source : Éditeur (via
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