Contenu de l'article

Titre Trajectoires et revendications féminines dans le règlement des différends conjugaux autour de deux études de cas en milieu mossi (Burkina Faso)
Auteur Béatrice Bertho
Mir@bel Revue Autrepart
Numéro no 61, 2012 Dossier : Les nouvelles figures de l'émancipation féminine
Page 99-115
Résumé anglais Drawing on two cases of marital disputes brought by women before the State services in North-Western Burkina Faso, this article analyses the strategies pursued by these women to try resolving their conflicts with their husbands. Set in the wider context of the transformation of matrimonial practices and of conjugal roles, the women's itineraries are marked by tensions between dependence ­ on their husbands and their social and family groups ­ and relative autonomy. They seek to alter the existing balance of power between their husbands and themselves, and to increase the influence they think they have over their own future within what little room they have for manœuvre.
Source : Éditeur (via
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