Contenu de l'article

Titre Présentation
Auteur Ghislaine Chartron
Mir@bel Revue I2D - Information, données & documents (anciennement : Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information)
Numéro vol. 50, no 2, 2013 Réseaux documentaires
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Réseaux documentaires : continuité ou changement ?
Page 22-23
Résumé anglais With the advent of digital social networks, we once again need to review documentary networks, pioneers in this form of work organization. But what has happened to these networks? What vision and which projects unite information professionals today in the context of the digital environment that has shaken up information itself, its means of production, dissemination and processing, its professional limits and user practices? We look at the value today of documentary networks in a variety of contexts and key historical milestones. Governance is at the heart of recognition and survival of these networks in an increasingly global, competitive and unstable environment. How does the digital context modify such networks? Do networks become obsolete when we redefine its limits? Does the digital environment impose new objectives and missions in an unprecedented regime of document production and circulation?
Source : Éditeur (via
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