Contenu de l'article

Titre Le mouvement féministe en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes : Défis et espoirs face à la mondialisation néo-libérale
Auteur Jules Falquet
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 42, octobre 2007 L'Amérique latine en lutte
Page 36-47
Résumé anglais The Feminist Movement in Latin America and in the Caribbean: Challenges and Hopes, in the Face of Neoliberal Globalisation Despite their diversity, Latin America and the Caribbean demonstrate a certain historical and political unity. The social movements which are rooted there are often deployed on a continental scale. They are, furthermore, often to the forefront in the questioning of neoliberal globalisation. The analysis of the South American feminist movement, one which is remarkable for its importance and for its innovative propositions, can help us gain a theoretical perspective on the articulation between social relations and gender relations, and also on the effects of globalisation on this articulation. After presenting a historical panorama of the “second wave” of Latin-American and Caribbean feminism, of its gradual institutionalisation and the persistent oppositions between the movement's “autonomous tendency” and its “institutional” tendency, the article addresses the current challenges facing Latin American feminism: the aggravation of the misery of the majority of women, faced with enforced migration and a disturbing growth of violence. The article ends with an inquiry into the way certain women and certain feminists, faced with poverty and/or racist exclusion, have been in the vanguard of new struggles and alliances which sketch the outlines of some of the most convincing political alternatives to neoliberalism.
Source : Éditeur (via
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