Contenu de l'article

Titre Le progrès des gauches en Amérique latine : gouvernements, mouvements sociaux et luttes indigènes
Auteur Gérard Duménil, Michaël Löwy, Maurice Lemoine
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 42, octobre 2007 L'Amérique latine en lutte
Page 111-125
Résumé anglais The Progress of the Left in Latin America: Governments, Social Movements, the Struggles of the Amerindian Populations Gérard Duménil and Michaël Löwy here interview Michel Lemoine about the nature of the governments currently in office in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and Venezuela. What contribution can these governments make to the task of establishing an anti-imperialist front? What are the specific features of the Latin American resistance to neo-liberalism, in view of the articulation between this resistance and the struggles of the Amerindian populations? How is one to assess the manner in which Chavez defines and attempts to implement his project of a “socialism for the twenty-first century”. These are the principal questions addressed here.
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