Contenu de l'article

Titre Journalisme et science : L'importance des travaux journalistiques de Marx pour la critique de l'économie politique.
Auteur Michael Krätke
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 42, octobre 2007 L'Amérique latine en lutte
Page 128-163
Résumé anglais Journalism and Science: the Importance of Marx's Practice of Journalism for his Critique of Political Economy. Already in his lifetime, Marx earned himself a reputation, even fame, as a leading financial and economic journalist. From 1850 to 1868, he wrote nearly a hundred newspaper articles dealing with all sorts of economic and financial topics. His work as an economic journalist is closely related to his ongoing work on the “critique of political economy”: A lot of the material he collected and studied for his articles was used for his economic manuscripts as well. Many of the topics mentioned but not systematically treated in his many (unfinished) manuscripts pertaining to CAPITAL have been analyzed in his newspaper articles. Some of them are brilliant little essays on crises, on financial markets, on the capitalist world economy. The close links between Marx' journalism and his work on the critique of political economy are exemplified with respect to several topics: the impact of factory legislation, world market, world trade and colonialism (imperialism), monetary theory and monetary politics (bank legislation), the theory and history of crises and cycles and – last but not least – public finance (and its critique).
Source : Éditeur (via
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