Contenu de l'article

Titre Le capital et la question nationale
Auteur Jérôme Maucourant, Bruno Tinel
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 43, avril 2008 Critiques de l'idéologie
Page 140-153
Résumé anglais Capital and the national question Nations are the forms of political organisation which peoples construct for themselves. It is a commonplace to state that globalisation tends (for the better) towards the end of nations. However the history of capitalism shows that such a hypothesis is questionable. Globalisation is merely a stage in the development of capitalism, which has always leaned on certain nations to secure its deployment: England in the past, the US today. The real question is thus that of the hegemony of one nation over other nations and, ultimately, the question of democracy, the sovereignty of peoples in the face of capital.
Source : Éditeur (via
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