Contenu de l'article

Titre Crise et conjoncture révolutionnaire : Marx et 1848
Auteur Irene Viparelli
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 46, octobre 2009 Partis / mouvements
Page 122-136
Résumé anglais Crisis and the Revolutionary Moment : Marx and 1848 How are we to assess the role played by the 1848 revolution in the evolution of Marx's thought ?The hypothesis developed here is that the 1848 revolution helped to fill in a “theoretical gap” and to resolve what was a conceptual inconsistency in the Marxian theory of the 1840s. The revolutionary moment thus contributed to the formulation of a consistent theory of revolution. Marx's analysis led to the formulation of two new theoretical principles : that of the link between economic crisis and revolution, and the concept of “the intensity of the crisis”. This consolidated his analysis of the relation between the cyclical crises of capitalism and the revolutionary moment. The article begins with an attempt to specify the nature of these Marxian theoretical principles. It goes on to examine the precise implications of the new coherence of the Marxian revolutionary theory. In conclusion, by way of a confrontation with Althusser's conception of the revolutionary moment, the article seeks to spell out the theoretical and political implications of this “new theory of the revolutionary moment”.
Source : Éditeur (via
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