Contenu de l'article

Titre Sur Marx et les marxismes
Auteur Jacques Bidet, Bruno Tinel, Gérard Duménil, Michael Löwy, Emmanuel Renault
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 48, octobre 2010 Communisme ?
Page 129-137
Résumé anglais On Marx et Marxisms. In response to the questions addressed by Jacques Bidet and Bruno Tinel, Gérard Duménil, Michael Löwy and Emmanuel Renault here outline the approach they adopted in their two recently published books on Marx, (Lire Marx, “Reading Marx”, PUF, 2009) and on Marxisms (Les 100 mots du marxismes, “The 100 Words of Marxism”, PUF, 2009). The questions raised here mainly hinge on the articulation between the political, the philosophical and the economic dimension of Marx's writings, and the way these can be mobilised within contemporary debates.
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