Contenu de l'article

Titre Persistance du marxisme traditionnel et pertinence du marxisme surdéterministe
Auteur Stephen Resnick, Richard Wolff
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 50, octobre 2011 Pourquoi Marx ?
Rubrique / Thématique
Entre histoire et théorie sociale
Page 136-152
Résumé anglais This article assesses the relevance today of two different kinds of Marxism : (1) traditional, “classical” or determinist Marxism and (2) non-traditional or overdeterminist Marxism. These two Marxisms are compared and contrasted to show how and why they yield different notions of socialism and communism, class, the place of economics in Marxism, causation, and epistemology. The authors explain why the overdeterminist version is preferred to the determinist and what this choice suggests about a new Marxian politics for the 21st century. The latter aims to yield a society with a new kind of economic freedom for workers : one in they collectively receive and distribute the gross profits they produce.
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