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Titre Subalternité et histoire globale
Auteur Déborah Cohen, Urs Lindner, Sumit Sarkar
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 50, octobre 2011 Pourquoi Marx ?
Rubrique / Thématique
Entre histoire et théorie sociale
Page 207-217
Résumé anglais Sumit Sarkar, one of the leading Indian historians of his generation, participated in the Indian-British Subaltern Studies Collective that established new standards in the historiography of colonialism in the 1980's. In this Interview, Déborah Cohen and Urs Lindner ask him about the achievements and oversights of the Subaltern Studies project, the prospects of global history, Marx's eurocentrism and the problem of religion.
Source : Éditeur (via
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